All schools are given a suggestive theme on which the classes will develop an upcycling project

The classes are also inspired by THE FOUR ELEMENTS OF NATURE.

As a result a Spanish student could also look for an Italian or a French artist as an inspirational source and vice versa.


- MAY 24 2024 - Eco design Fashion Show: view more

- MAR 21 2024 - Eco design Fashion Show: view more

- MAY 25 2023 - Projects presentation: view more

- OCT 10 2023 - Erasmus day: view more

- OCT 14 2022 - Erasmus day kick off: view more

- FEB 16 2022 - Presentation - Eco-design Erasmus: view more




On October 14th, 2022, the project will be inaugurated with the ERASMUS DAY, in which all the partner European schools will participate: the coordinating school is Liceo Chierici, and the other participating schools are Lycée Octave Feuillet and Lycée Paul Poiret in Paris, and ESSDM Escola de la moda in Seville. Each school will choose the companies/institutions that will accompany the project work of the schools and will be referred to as "godparent companies."

The involved classes will be trained through a series of online lessons/pills on the theme of green skills applied to design and planning. The teachers from the European schools will compare and develop shared strategies.

On February 16th, 2023, the classes will present their creative ideas, which are the result of their research and inspiration.

In May 2023, an online seminar will be held, which is open to companies in the fashion and design sector at the request of the partners. During this seminar, student groups from the four European schools will present the theme of their upcycling collections, which they will develop in their respective classes in the following months. In this way, a strong bond will be created between the stakeholders in the economic and social world (companies, local institutions) and the school.


JUNE 2023 - MARCH 2024


The schools will develop an upcycling project in the form of a collection, which will culminate in a fashion show that will be realized and presented in digital form.

The classes will draw inspiration from contemporary European artists from the countries participating in the project, with the guidance of their "godparent" company/stylist/designer. As a result, a Spanish student may develop their research inspired by an Italian or French artist, and vice versa.

Each class group of each European school, with the support of the "godparent" company, will design their own upcycling collection. Teacher mobility is planned, with teachers visiting partner schools to learn more about the upcycling design process.

A traveling video production team will visit each school to capture the key moments of the production process and the fashion show.

Each school will showcase their fashion and design show through a video that illustrates the specificities of each country and how the beauty of clothing and objects can be linked to environmental respect and sustainable development.


APRIL 2024 - JUNE 2024

The final event will consist in multimedia videos/fashion shows/stories that will be streamed online or through the fashion academies or chambers of commerce involved. In April 2024, an event on the theme of sustainability will be organized by the Chamber of Commerce in Lyon, which will include companies from the fashion industry. During the event, the students' fashion shows will be presented with remote interviews and feedback from the godparent companies. The final event will take place in June 2024 in Reggio Emilia, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce in Reggio Emilia.

Opening hours

Tue – Thu: 09am – 07pm
Fri – Mon: 09am – 05pm

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